Suspended the KURA ONE subscription service temporarily.KURA ONE サブスクリプションサービスを一時休止
KURA ONE® | Published the featured article on the Nikkei MJ.日経MJの特集に掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in the Josei Jishin.女性自身に掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in the ozmall.オズモールに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published on an article featuring a dialogue between EXILE's Kenchi Tachibana and CEO Sawada in the "Discover Japan".雑誌「Discover Japan」4⽉号の連載企画にてKURA ONEの可能性についてEXILE 橘ケンチ⽒と当社代表澤田が対談した記事が掲載
Started of the KURA ONE LINE official account registration campaign.KURA ONE LINE 公式アカウント登録キャンペーンの開始
KURA ONE® | Aired in the TV programme "The Way of the Master" (TV Saitama, Mie TV, Tochigi TV, Gunma TV, Nara TV, TV Wakayama, Saga TV).地上波テレビ番組「達人の道」にて放映 (テレビ埼玉、三重テレビ、とちぎテレビ、群馬テレビ、奈良テレビ、テレビ和歌山、サガテレビ)
KURA ONE® | Published onに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published onに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in Associated Press.Associated Pressに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published inに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in AFP English, French, and German.AFP English, French. German版に掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in Yahoo! Hong Kong and Taiwan.Yahoo! Hong Kong Taiwanに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in Yahoo! Finance.Yahoo! Financeに掲載
Published a digest English subtitled version of the KURAONE® press conference video from 18 January.1月18日に開催されたKURAONE®プレス発表会動画のダイジェスト英語字幕版を公開
KURA ONE® | Published in the Japan shopping now.Japan shopping nowに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in the Bimy Monthly.月刊ビミーに掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in the Nihonkai Shinbun (Newspaper).日本海新聞に掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in the Nicheee!Nicheee!に掲載
KURA ONE® | Published in the Tsurezure Sake Magazine.つれづれ酒マガジンビミーデジタルに掲載