"KURA ONE®" Receives "Gold Award" and "Grand Gold Award" in OMOTENASHI Selection
「KURA ONE®」がOMOTENASHI Selection「金賞」ならびに「最高金賞」を受賞
The OMOTENASHI Selection, evaluated by foreign experts working in Japan, awarded KURA ONE® with the Gold Award and the Supreme Gold Award What did the jury from 15 countries make of KURA ONE®?
日本で活躍する外国人有識者が評価するOMOTENASHI Selection。KURA ONE®は「金賞」および「最高金賞」を受賞しました。15カ国からの審査員はKURA ONE®をどう評価したのでしょうか?

What we want to communicate on Sake On Air
日本酒の真髄を世界に届けるPodcast「Sake On Air」で伝えたいこと
Experts who fully understand the appeal of sake and the expectations of the overseas market, as well as the fact that sake is struggling to grow domestically, asked Sawada pointed questions about how he would rate the KURA ONE® initiative, what are the challenges and what are the advantages of the initiative.
日本酒の魅力や海外市場での期待を十分に理解し、また日本酒が国内で伸び悩んでいる事実も十分に把握しているエキスパートから、澤田に対して、KURA ONE®という取り組みをどう評価するのか、何が課題で、何が優れているのかといった、鋭い質問がなされました。

KURA ONE® scheme introduced at the COOL JAPAN DX Summit.
We have positioned COOL JAPAN as an activity that delivers content that embodies Japan's regional and artisanal strengths and delivers regional individuality, craftsmanship and quality content, and we are promoting our business with quality content as 'Japanese sake'.
私たちはCOOL JAPANを「日本の地域力と職人力を体現化したコンテンツを届け、地域の個性、職人のこだわり、上質なコンテンツを届ける活動」と位置付け、上質なコンテンツを「日本酒」として事業をすすめています。

The local sake boom felt after supporting the delivery of the Australian Sake Awards.
オーストラリア日本酒コンペティション「Australian Sake Awards」の配送支援を終えて感じる現地の日本酒ブーム
The competition aims to "communicate the diverse attractions of sake" and "develop sake experts", and is designed to expand the presence and consumption power of sake in the Australian market.